Pinch Ratio Clustering from a Topologically Intrinsic Lexicographic Ordering

If you use the software in a scientific publication, please acknowledge with a citation to Pinch Ratio Clustering from a Topologically Intrinsic Lexicographic Ordering, Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2013), May 2-4, 2013. Available at prc_sdm13.pdf.

The source code is available using GNU General Public License version 3, see If you need to use the code under a different license, contact the author.

Building PRC code

Code dependencies for prc include cmake for building, eigen for matrices, and a reasonably new c++ compilier. The python binding require numpy and scipy.

Build outside of the source code directories. For example, with source code in ~/src/prc, create a new directory for the build at ~/build/prc. cd into ~/build/prc. Then run

cmake ~/src/prc

which will create the make files in linux. Then use make to build.


If Eigen is not in your default path, say you installed it in your home directory then also pass that prefix to cmake:

cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}  ${HOME}/src/prc

and the include directories in the prefix path will also be searched. Or pass in the actual directory location. Example on MS windows.

cmake . -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\Users\Doug\Documents\Working\eigen  ..\prc

To create visual studio 11 win64 project files, add cmake option -G "Visual Studio 11 Win64" or for nmake files: -G "NMake Makefiles".

Other options
-DVERBOSE_PINCH=level : where level is integer corresponding to amount of output
-DPINCH_VERIFY_LEX=1 : verifies that the width is reduced each iteration of TILO
-DHAVE_BENCH=path : times execution using eigen's benchmark timer, typically in eigen/bench
-Wdev or -Wno-dev : enable/disable developer warnings

Build with make VERBOSE=1 for verbose compiler output

Building Python and prcVis Code

see description in the individual directories. Eventual build system will be migrated to cmake. But for now, python and qmake are being used.

Cross compiling to MS Windows using mingw

Create toolchain file and store in ~/cmake/toolchain-minw32.cmake where the toolchain-minw32.cmake would contains (on debian wheezy):

# the name of the target operating system
# which compilers to use for C and C++
SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-gcc)
SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-g++)
SET(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-windres)
# here is the target environment located
SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  /usr/i586-mingw32msvc /home/drh/mingw-32 )
# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search
# programs in the host environment

and ~/cmake/toolchain-minw64.cmake where the toolchain-minw64.cmake would contains (on debian wheezy):

# the name of the target operating system
# which compilers to use for C and C++
SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER amd64-mingw32msvc-gcc)
SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER amd64-mingw32msvc-g++)
SET(CMAKE_RC_COMPILER amd64-mingw32msvc-windres)
# here is the target environment located
SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  /usr/amd64-mingw32msvc /home/drh/mingw-64 )
# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search
# programs in the host environment
then when running cmake add:

Commandline programs


The main driver program that reads a data file and attempts to determine clusters. The executable is found in the prc directory of the build location.

usage: pinchRatioClustering [long options] [filename [numberOfPartitions]]

will read data file filename and attempt to find numberOfPartitions clusters. Possible long options include

--dataInput string
 Data file name. The data file name be point data or and adjacency graph. May also be passed as a non-option. That is, the first command line parameter without the -- is assumed to be the data file name. The structure of the data file is specified with the fileType option.
--fileType integer
 Specifies the data file type. 0 mean a point data file. 1 mean an adjacency matrix file. Point data files expect one data point per line. The adjacency matrix file expects a sparse matrix format.
--pointSimilarity integer

Specifies the similarity measure type to use for point data files.

  • 1 -> Gaussian similarity and
  • 2 -> K nearest neighbor similarity.
--seed long Set the seed of the random number generator. Use 0 to set from current time.
--numpart integer
 Number of partitions to find. Must be >= 2. May also be pass as an option after the filename. The program will find at most this number of clusters, but it may find less.
--verbose integer
 Higher values generate more output.
--saveLabels boolean
 Flag to control if the partition labels are saved to file. Labels are in the same order as the data file. The label file name is the data filename + outputLabelSuffix + numParts + infoSuffux [+ seed].
--saveOrder boolean
 Flag to control if the TILO order and boundary are saved to file. The order file name is the data filename + outputOrderSuffix + numParts + infoSuffux [+ seed].
--seedSuffixFlag boolean
 Flag to control if the seed value is added to output file names.
--outputLabelSuffix string
 Text to add to saved label file name. Default is "_part_"
--outputOrderSuffix string
 Text to add to saved order file name. Default is "_tilo_"
--infoSuffix string
 Extra text to attached before seed in output file names. Default is empty string.
--initOrderFile string
 Name of file containing an initial linear order to use instead of random order. Expects zero based indexing with whitespace separated integers. If this option or the initLabelsFile option is not given then TILO will start with a random shuffle of the data point order.
--initLabelsFile string
 Name of file containing an initial labels to use instead of random order. Expects the labels to be in the same format as the saveLabels file. That is, one label per line in the same order as the datafile. An initial order is created by placing placing points with the same label adjacent to each other. Can be used to start TILO with an ordering generated by another algorithm. If this option or the initOrderFile option is not given then TILO will start with a random shuffle of the data point order.
--numInitOrderings integer
 Number of times to run PRC with random initial orders and return the one with the best total width.
--saveMultipleRuns boolean
 Save partition labels of each PRC run in addition to the best run. The number of multiple runs is set with the numInitOrderings option. The tags "_multirun_labels" and "_multirun_info" are added to the label and order files names.
--useSparseMatrix boolean
 Flag to control if PRC should store the adjacency matrix in a sparse matrix. Default is true.
--commaSeparated boolean
 Flag to indicate if the data file is comma delimited. Default is false.
--adjNodeOffset integer
 Node index offset in an adjacency matrix data file. Default is 1. Needed when data file starts with one based instead of zero based indexing. Many of the example adjacency graphs on the web use one based indexing.
 long Limit on the maximum number of iterations that TILO will run. Default is 10,000,000. Typically never reached.
--tiloEpsilon double
 Floating point precision value. Used when comparing the value of a shift to zero. That is, the shift value must be > tiloEpsilon instead of > zero. Also used to generate a combination of relative and absolute error of a value v by using (1+tiloEpsilon) * v.
--policyPRCRecurseTILO boolean
 Flag to control if TILO is reran on a partition after is is moved to the front of the linear order. This controls whether lines 13 and 14 of the PRC algorithm are used. Default is false.
--policyReverseOrderOnSplit boolean
 Flag to control if the order of a partition is reversed when it is moved to the front. This option is only used if policyPRCRecurseTILO is true. Default is false.
--policyReturnRecursiveOrder boolean
 Flag to control if the order created by the recursive use of TILO is returned or if the order from the initial TILO is returned. This option is only used if policyPRCRecurseTILO is true. Default is false.
--policyPRCMetric integer
The metric to use to evaluate split locations. Possible values are
  • 0 -> PinchRatio,
  • 1 -> RelRatio,
  • 2 -> CrossRatio, and
  • 3 -> NCut.

Default is 0 for pinch ratio. NCut refers to normalized cut and is well tested. The RelRatio and CrossRatio are experimental and are not well tested.

--policyRefineTILO boolean
 Flag to control if the boundary is complete reduced or if TILO stops as soon as the local max and mins are set. Typically used when conducting multiple runs on random initial orders and the best run is selected by the best total width. Default is false.
--policyEvalAllMetrics boolean
 Flag to control the evaluation of cluster metrics. Typically, only the metric that is being used to find split locations is evaluated. If this option is true then all of the metrics are evaluated and returned. The split locations are still determined by policyPRCMetric option. Default is false.
--policyReturnMetrics boolean
 Flag to control is the metric values are all split locations are returned in an array. This extra information will be stored in the boundary and order output file. Default is false.
--knnAdjMode int
The type of K nearest neighbor similarity to use for point data.
  • 0 -> KNN_EITHER_ADJ_ONE, a value of 1.0 if either point is in the KNN of each other.
  • 1 -> KNN_BOTH_ADJ_ONE, a value of 1.0 only if both points are in the KNN of each other.
  • 2 -> KNN_BOTH_EITHER_ONE_ONEHALF, a value of 1.0 only of both points are in the KNN of each other, a value of 1/2 if one point is in the KNN of the other point.
  • 3 -> KNN_EITHER_ADJ_GAUSS, if either point is in the KNN of the other then the value of Gaussian similarity of the two points is used.

The default is 3.

--knnAdjK int Number of nearest neighbors to use for KNN similarity mode. Use a value of -1 for the heuristic value of log(n)+1, where n is the number of data points. Default is -1.
--knnAdjSigma double
 The value of sigma in knn's Gaussian similarity (i.e., mode 3 of knnAdjMode). Use -1 to estimate from average knn distance. Default is -1.
--gausssimAdjMode int
The type of Gaussian similarity to use for point data.
  • 0 -> GS_ADJ_THRESHOLD, any Gaussian similarity values less than the threshold are set to zero.
  • 1 -> GS_ADJ_ALL, the value of the similarity is the Gaussian similarity of the two points. With points a and b, then the similarity is exp(-1.0 (a-b)^T (a-b) /( sigma^2)).

The default is 1.

--gausssimAdjSigma double
 The value of sigma in the Gaussian similarity. Use -1 for heuristic to calculate from average knn distance. Default is -1.
--gausssimAdjThreshold double
 With gausssimAdjMode of 0, values less than this threshold are set to zero. Default is 1e-10.
--commentDelimiter string
 The charactoer representing the start of a comment in a data file. Comments are ignored. Default is #
--tagLoc integer
Location of class labels in a data file.
  • 0 -> no class tags,
  • 1 -> front location. Class label is first value in the line of data.
  • -1 -> tail location. Class label is last value in the line of data.

Default is 0, no class labels. Class labels are not used in clustering but if available then purity and other performance measures of the clustering can be reported.

--useTransduction boolean
 Not implemented yet. Value is ignored.
--useMultiLevelPRC boolean
 Default false. Multilevel is currently disabled as it is undergoing a rewrite.


A helper program that creates adjacency matrices from point data and saves to an output file. The main use is to save the adjacency matrix that pinchRatioClustering would create for use in another algorithm. The executable is found in the prc directory of the build location.

usage: prc/genSimMatrix [long options] [filename outputFileName]

The options are the same as pinchRatioClustering, but most of them are ignored as the clustering algorithm is not conducted.